Family Historians

There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children - one is roots, and the other, wings. -Hodding S. Carter
Robert & Barbara Henderson

Barbara Henderson

For many years our family History Book has been lovingly put together by our family historian Barbara (Jones) Henderson with assistance from her beloved husband Robert.  Each reunion brought with it an updated family history book that documented our roots as well as our newest leaves and branches.  Not only did Barbara trace the past she did her best to document every living descendant.  Barbara went out of her way to track down family members by phone and mail to ensure that everyone was included.  The Alexander story would be incomplete were it not for Barbara’s commitment to keeping our history alive.

Is it because of Barbara that we got our first glimpse of George’s death certificate and George and Georgianna’s marriage license.

Barbara is a member of the Laura Alexander Family Group.

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Cynthia E. Johnson

Cynthia has always had a gift for the paper trail and an ability to quickly learn new technology and software.  After attending her 1st Alexander Family Reunion in 2013, Cynthia fell in love with genealogy.  In awe of the family history book by Barbara Henderson, Cynthia began researching the other sides of her family tree.  For the 2015 reunion, Cynthia joined the planning committee and used her research and technology skills to create documents, design logos and graphics, and  create a social media and web presence for the family.  After 2015 Barbara retired her as family historian and passed the torch to Cynthia.

Cynthia is dedicated to preserving both family history and culture.  Cynthia has recruited people to assist in the journey- her sister Keley and niece Ameera help with research and both Keley and her uncle Mickey (Hilton) have taken DNA tests in order to further tell the story of the Alexander Family.   For 2017 Cynthia hopes to design an Alexander History Book that tells the story of who our ancestors were as well as maintain the list of descendants that Barbara started.  Cynthia helps index records for both FamilySearch and Ancestry in order to assist in making more records available for research.

Cynthia is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., board member of the Rethinking IT Foundation, and Marketing Coordinator for Bajans and Friends for Health & Education.  Cynthia has also helped her maternal family create a scholarship in honor of her grandparents- the Cordelia and Ivan Daniel Book Scholarship.

Cynthia is a member of the Namon Alexander family group.

Cynthia Johnson