
Like branches on a tree, our lives may grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one -Unknown

For many reunions our reunion coordinator, Sheila Hunter, poured her time, talent, and money into making sure that the Alexander Family got together.  This was no small task, but it was a task Sheila took on time and time again.  Without her dedication, the Alexander Family wouldn’t be what it is today.  Sheila has decided to retire and has passed on the reunion to a new committee but we wanted to share our thanks to Sheila and her team for all of their hard work over the years.  Sheila’s team consisted of Robert & Barbara Henderson, Samantha Jackson and Carla Jackson.


Thank you Sheila! We Love You!

For 2017 a group of California cousins took over the planning and a great time was had by all.  Thank you so much for your hard work Gwendolyn Doucet, Crystal Alexander, Mary Ann Black and Emmarie White.

In 2019 we will be heading home to Louisiana.  Keep checking back, details coming soon.